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open daily from 10 to 5,
April first until Christmas
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Attic or shed full to overflowing? Downsizing or relocating? Inherited a house full? Whether you are interested in selling a SINGLE ITEM or an entire ESTATE LOT, call us !
We buy a lot of different things. Below is an extensive list but incomplete... please take the time to read the list, you may be surprised as to what we will buy!
Feel free to contact us with any questions or if you need clarification. If you have something which is not on the list but you think it may be of interest, please let us know. We are always looking for uncommon and unusual things.. .in fact, the odder the better!
Have a question? Send us a photo of your item by email to captin_hoek@hotmail.com
or call and ask for Cees (pronounced 'case') 902 - 668 - 2149
In no particular order, we buy:
quality solid wooden furniture such as step-back cupboards, chairs, chests of drawers, harvest tables and period pieces. Many good old pieces are found In basements, workshops or wood sheds. Even in disrepair, many of these can have value and be desirable!
solid gold and sterling silver items (99% of the time these are marked)
coins, paper currency, stamps, cards, comic books and many other collectibles.
military items, including uniforms, weapons, helmets, medals and badges, trench art, photos, etc.
vintage lighting...from oil lamps to bicycle lamps to electrical fixtures.
old toys and dolls, including parts or damaged toys, tin toys, dinky cars, wagons, pedal cars, etc. German tin toys and Japanese-made toys are often in demand.
quality and local artwork, folk art pieces, First Nations artwork
quality studio pottery such as Lorenzen, Nita Deberra, Deichmann
hooked rugs, old quilts.
gas and oil advertising (from large signs to paper items) oil cans, gas pumps, air meters and any other related items.
automobila such as advertising, license plates, hood ornaments, etc.
soda-related items...people love Coca Cola, Pepsi and other soda items so be on the lookout for these ... but beware of reproductions! We buy coolers, signs, bottles, and advertising.
firefighting items such as old fire alarm boxes, fire helmets, hose nozzles etc.
old cameras, lenses and equipment, up to and including some from the 1970's
fountain pens, pocket watches, vintage lighters.
clocks, radios and telephones, including parts.
nautical items, including - but not limited to - antique maps, logbooks, spyglasses, fixtures such as lights, telegraphs, etc.
vintage and antique fishing equipment such as poles, reels, creels and fishing lures
architectural and salvage items such as corbels, interesting doors and windows, hardware.
Mantels, shelving.
industrial items such as old factory carts, shelving, tables, machinery bases and lighting fixtures
old tools
vintage suitcases, umbrellas
vintage electronics... vacuum tubes and other components
old sporting equipment
antique and vintage books, certain periodicals
entire collections of coins, cards, postcards, marbles, costume jewelry, bottles, records,
some china patterns and glassware
mid-century decor and furniture
vintage clothing and textiles
musical instruments
Corningware and Pyrex
vintage and antique kitchen items
mercantile displays, tins, signage
early bronze, copper, pewter, cast iron and other metal objects
old tractor seats, wagon wheels, barn pulleys and ropes
scientific, medical and laboratory instruments and furniture etc.
Nova Scotia glass
old typewriters, phonographs, cylinder players, etc.
railway items, aviation items
old boxes, crates, barrels, kegs, etc... especially with graphics
Art Deco items
Primitive/country items such as benches, bowls, baskets and furniture
steamer trunks, baskets